Time to move on…

OK, it is time to move on…
I survived the last round of layoffs, but I will have to leave behind my grand vision and fancy job title—at least for now. I have been reassigned back to The Spokesman-Review photo department as a staff photographer. That department took a torpedo hit with two super-talented shooters being shown the door.

It’s time to get back to my roots. I was a still shooter for 18 years, so the transition will be fine. I am a bit rusty on the shutter, but I will get my rhythm back. But what of all the video and multimedia that was beginning to be unleashed at the S-R? Well, seven of the 12 people I trained to shoot and edit are gone now. The reality is three people, myself and staff photographers Dan Pelle, and Jesse Tinsley will pick up the video slack. Heaven knows there is enough gear to fill a camera store lining the supply closet shelves.

Ahh…the supply closet–my new workspace. I took one of the empty desks in the photo dept, but I haven’t spent much time there. I swear I must have some caveman gene in me, because I seem most comfortable in dark cramped spaces. Go figure. It is actually a decent space–twice the size of my last office—and I can’t complain about the lack of shelves now.

So what happen now? I am still a little fuzzy on what my newspaper wants from me other than to shoot great still photos and produce occasional videos. My new editor-in-chief has defined my job as being 60 percent shooting stills and 40 percent doing video. We’ll see how that translates in the real world of an increased still workload.

Recently, there has been a lot of talk in multimedia circles about what the true value video holds for newspapers. Questions have been raised about whether or not we are just wasting our time leaning a new craft that seems to take more resources then it gives back in hits (see Mindy McAdams excellent post.)

I believe video is still a young medium for newspapers. We have to give the people learning to shoot and edit time to master the craft. The frustrating thing for me is that I had all the parts in place. (Great) tools, ongoing training, talented motivated staff and a brand spankin’ new multimedia centric website that was ready to launch the day before the layoff announcement. I am disheartened by what happened, but somehow I think the pendulum will swing back eventually. There is this little thing called the mobile web that is about to unleash the video gods in ways we can only imagine. On the other end the spectrum is the delivery of high-def web video to the masses. I will quietly do my duty as a still shooter, but I will find ways to work at being a better video storyteller. My new Sony XDCAM EX-1 is staring at me from the supply closet shelve. That bad boy ain’t going to be collecting dust for long.

13 thoughts on “Time to move on…

  1. You do us fallen journalists nothing short of a decent memorial when you carry on and prove that quality still exists during these tough times.

    It’s cheesy but it’s kind of like dodge ball. Some of us have been hit and we’ll continue to watch from the sidelines in hope that those all-stars stay in the game long enough to get us back in there with them.

  2. Colin:

    I love your attitude, and your willingness to share what’s going on. It gives me more reasons to believe that journalism has a great, strong future.

  3. Like a number of recent developments at the S-R (and most other papers), this is a shame. But I can’t imagine you doing anything less than your best at whatever your assignment may be.

    Do you plan to keep this blog going, even though the name might no longer exactly fit?

  4. I’m sorry to hear of your move. However, It’s still a job which is something to be thankfull for by the sounds of things and hey, no fancy job title no fancy salary but, I bet they will just have you doing the same thing with video alongside stills.
    best of luck and like Mark ^ says. keep up the blog.

  5. You’re a true professional, Colin. Good luck in these tough times. I hope you can continue to blog at least sometimes. I enjoy this blog very much.

  6. While videos may not return the number of hits we may have hoped for, they do bring one thing: time spent on a Web page. Each element on the Web has its specialty — maybe videos bring visit time to the mix.

    Glad to hear you’re settling into your new cave. I’ll continue to keep an eye out for your videos, whenever you have the chance. Judging by your four-column photo on today’s Northwest section, you’ve definitely still got your still eye.

  7. Pingback: Notes from a Teacher - Tuesday squibs (recovering edition)

  8. You’re truly an inspiration for everyone of us eager to developing our storytelling skills.

    I hope you’ll continue to blog, because this site is an outstanding learning experience, inspirational and useful.

  9. Pingback: Brett Gundlock Photography » Blog Archive » Is it time to move on?

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